Teen Social Outcast


My son, 13, is a video game addict. I read all the articles so I know your stance on cold turkey and I agree. He's very smart, but get's average - poor grades because he just does not care. Video games is the one thing I can take away if his grades go below C. By the way, I divorced when he was 2, remarried and relocated when he was 5. His father lives 6 hours away and although he is gainfully employed and sober now, he feeds my son's addiction by buying him games and giving him unlimited video game time. Some related questions -

#1 When he is not gaming, he is "playing with" or annoying his sisters (age 7,7,5) or complaining that he has no friends. He has already threatened to move to his Dad's because he has friends here. (He has 2, both gamers.) We live in the country and he goes to private Christian school. He never calls anyone to come over from school, nor does anyone call him. We'd have to drive him, but we'd do it. I'm considering sending him to public school just so he can maybe make some friends. (I taught public school for 17 years, I don't like it, especially here in WV, but I have some issues with the private Christian school too - we don't agree with all thier doctrine and the teachers have far less credentials than public school). But will he make friends in public school? ALL the kids are gamers, if I cut him off he'll be a social outcast! (I taught in public school in another town and he came with me for 2 years, I accompanied him on a field trip ALL the kids had hand held video games for the 1+ hour drive to DC.) We live in the country, but it's not all rural farms, there are houses around, but I rarely see kids, except every now and then on their 4-wheeler's. Do you think I should put him in public school just to make friends? And hope to God they are good friends and not into drugs, alcohol or porn which I hear is big at the local high school.

#2 We have tried to get him involved in hobbies, my husband has taken him fishing - he says it's OK, but it's not something we can do daily. He's not interested in sports - doesn't like to run. He has a slight interest in golf, but doesn't read golf magazines or books and doesn't bother to hit wiffle balls in the backyard but does like to go to the driving range. I can't necessariy afford the time, money, or gas to drive him to lots of classes - fencing or art classes, etc. He has been in scouting since 1st grade but no longer wants to do it. He never so much as picks up the scout book or works on badges. He's in it now because I won't let him quit. He's 2 ranks away from Eagle. (Then he literally would not have any friends) At this point I tell him it's not about fun, it's about finishing a committment and building his resume for college applications.

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