Will Not Get Over It


I have 6 children and feel they're "turning out" extremely well. I was blessed with great "stuff" to work with. It must not be my parenting skills because one of my girls has been a handful since the day she was born. I have always managed to be fairly effective managing and teaching her to manage her behavior. A STRONG willed child is an understatement. What I cannot seem to deal with effectively is her "obsession" with others who offend her. She dwells and dwells on mistakes that people make that offend her. We are a family that is pretty easy going so this is a chacteristic that none of us understand. Last Sat. she was pushed in a soccer game. She fumed and fussed for the rest of the day. It has come up all week as the "reason" she has had a "bad week". Sometimes I get so tired of her criticizing others I want to scream, "GET OVER IT !!!!" Today, I found a note in her room she had written about this child who pushed her last week...remember, this is soccer, you get pushed! The language she used in the note was foul, so now I'm wondering which behavior do I focus on, the use of bad language or the obnoxious, obsessive(pseudo) behavior. This child is only 9. I showed the note to my 17, 15 and 13 year olds and they agreed the laguage was shocking and wondered why she can't just "deal" with "stuff". My point is, even they think we have a problem. Thanks so much.

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