One Day at a Time


I have a 22-month old boy and a 2-month old little girl. My husband is with the state national guard and started his basic training a month or so ago, is now back for Christmas, and will go back in a few days' time for another 6 month with no break. Both kids will go to daycare as I resume working full-time in a few days time. Luckily, I have very helpful in-laws living nearby to help out on a daily basis. However, in the previous month of my husband's absence, I noticed behavior issues with my older child, including resisting going to daycare (his dad always takes him in), resisting bath time and bedtime (his dad always plays a part), and general tantrums. These issues alleviated soon after dad returned. I don't know for sure if his behavioral issues are 100% attributed to his dad not being around, but it seems that plays a significant part. Despite my complaint of my husband while he is here that he doesn't help enough, I realize now that his presence is great for the older boy. With my husband leaving soon, I am very anxious. I am also guilty that I need go back to work, creating even more change for my kids. I am also sad that my little boy is just of that age that he does not understand dad will be gone for a certain length of time, and is probably just confused about where he is. Am I dooming my parenting by my own worries? Any concrete advice on how to act generally without the dad in the picture for now and make the toddler feel secure and disciplined would be greatly appreciate. Thank you.

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