8-Year-Old Needs Attitude Adjustment


I have an eight year old granddaughter who comes to visit me for spring break, Christmas break, and summer. She lives out of state and her mother likes John Rosemond's wisdom, so we work together. My granddaughter will ask if she can do something, or I will tell her she can't do something, and when I say no she turns right around nonchalantly and does it anyway. Last time she did it, I nonchalantly informed her that she was staying in with me and we were cleaning the house, which we did. Her attitude is huffy and she folds her arms and says things like "really" when she doesn't get her way or is asked to do something. Her mom, my husband, and I are all in the process of reading John's book, "The Well Behaved Child," so we are on the same page, but her mother admittedly has been lax on consistency and is working to improve. Is there anything we should do to nip the attitude? Thank you!

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