Kindergarten Homework Hassles


I have a young kindergartner (won't turn six until this summer), although he is doing good enough in kinder, he is very easily distracted - bright light distraction. During school and homework at home, he is very easily distracted. At home he will sit and sing or play with his pencil rather than doing his homework. My husband and I have to constantly remind him to stop what he is doing and work on his homework. Additionally, he tends to ignore people when they call his name. We have had him tested for hearing, so it's not that. But we may need to call his name multiple times before he gives us his attention. Do you have any ideas on how we can get him to remain more focused on what he needs to work on both at school/home as well as responding when his name is called? If he focused just a little bit more he would be doing much better in school. Or is it just a maturity thing, given he is on the younger spectrum for his grade? Thanks.

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