Does John have any writings on children dealing with the death of a parent? My 37yo husband suffered a heart attack and passed away while we were on a family vacation last month (totally unexpected, no history). We have 2 daughters, 6 & 16 months. I'm particularly looking for insight into helping our oldest. She hasn't expressed much grief, but will occasionally talk about missing Daddy or ask questions about death. Sometimes her feelings seem to be manifesting as anxiety (dramatic reaction to thunderstorms or needing reassurance or physical contact at times that are out of the ordinary for her). Additionally, I was pregnant at the time of my husband's passing, but lost the baby at 18 weeks just 1 week after the funeral. This poor child has had a summer of unimaginable loss. I want to be as proactive as possible to help her process, but don't even know what questions to ask at this point. I put a great deal of stock into John's advise, so if he's written on the subject, even broadly, I'm curious to read. Many thanks.