If it Feels Good...


I am a stay at home mom who has 4 kids, ages 5, 4, 2, and 6 months. My 4 year old daughter started masturbating or "rolling," as we call it, around 2.5 years old. She seems to do this just when she is bored. I have been using your parenting advice for quite some time. I have found it quite effective. I have also implemented your advice to tell her that her "rolling" can only be done in the bathroom and that if she is found doing that she is to go to bathroom and stay for 5 minutes. The only issue I am having is that when I need to send her to bed early or send her to her room, she gets "bored" and starts "rolling." How should I be handling this when she is in bed early or sent to her room? Is this one of those situations where if I don't see it I should do nothing? Or should I check her video monitor and take her to the bathroom when needed? Thank you for your help!

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