Daily Report


Our 9 year old son has been doing a daily report with his teacher for most of the school year. Last week my husband and I went on a week trip and the kids stayed at our home with their grandparents. We explained to both grandma and our son that the daily reports would continue. If he did not get a yes, he'd be in his boring room for the rest of the day, etc. During our trip we found out that he had gotten all yeses, but when we got home and looked at his report, there were two reports. One he had filled out and the one the teacher filled out. One sheet had all yeses circled (clearly circled by him) with no signatures and the other report had signatures, but only 2 yeses for the week with one no, and then 2 blank. (Grandma didn't remember all the instructions and of course, wanted to believe her grandkid was great at school).

We are not sure how to proceed. He clearly went out of his way to be dishonest with his grandma, received the whole family's praise for his success (the week before we left he had all but one yes, so we were apt to believe he was doing well).

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