Pre-Teen's New Found Rigidity


My 11-year-old boy will some days be extremely legalistic. This morning he said he needed to read the Bible for 13 million hours, look up a YouTube video to know how to make his bed perfectly, not eat or drink because "it's wrong to take care of yourself," etc. We have no idea where he is getting this, unless it's because he is struggling about his personal salvation and trying to "pay for his sins" with legalism. We are not a legalistic family, and we talk to him about God's love and grace. His dad took him out for lunch on Saturday. He has a schedule and reasonable amount of chores. And he has friends. I try to exhibit an example of caring for myself, so I can be well enough to care for our family. Should I ignore this or pay more attention? If so, what type of attention? I give him hugs and then talk about what is truth. I'm also trying to be a strong mom and keep him on schedule with his homeschooling. This is so sad and exhausting! Thank you for any advice!

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