Teenage girl and her angst


I have a 16 yr old daughter, who tells me, when I start to give her information about something in general," I don't want to listen to you." She gets up, walks to her room closes the door." This morning I knock on her door, to tell her she needs to get up. She tells me, "do not knock on my door," she is angry when she tells me. She is not getting up so I knock again. She is angry because I am knocking again. Her telling me I don't want to listen to you has happened before. I normally do not wake her up, but before she went to school I wanted to talk to her about her behavior.

So, I told her on the way to school, because of her attitude and behavior towards me, starting Monday she will be riding the bus, will not be getting paid to do the bathrooms, she will be taking lunch every day to school, not receiving money from me, two days a week. She has a basketball game tonight that I told her that I would not be attending. When she got out of the truck I told her, play hard, she said, "don't tell me that."

Every night she is in her room. Which tells me, I do not want to interact with you. My question. Do I just leave her alone. I am okay with that. If I try to talk to her she doesn't say a word, or she says, "I don't want to talk about it." There are other behaviors also.

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