3-Year Old a Big Challenge


Our 3 year old son is a challenge and needs a lot of discipline. He regularly pushes the limits and continues to test, doing things he well knows are not tolerated in our home. I feel that we (my husband and I) are constantly disciplining him and, unfortunately, we both find it challenging to remain completely calm by the end of the day with him because his infractions seem almost constant. For instance, he will come out of his room after being punished for something and almost do it right away again, then get sent back to his room again with a big fit...and on and on we go. I have recently been thinking of making a reward system for him for good behavior but am hesitant as I know it can be detrimental to reward behaviors that are merely expected. We regularly try to acknowledge his good behaviors verbally, but it doesn't seem to matter to him. I want to reinforce the "good times" and call attention to his positive behavior and am looking for a tangible way of doing this. Any suggestions?? Thanks!

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