

My son is 8. He's a good student and a great reader. But he's always had the tendency to be a follower rather than a leader; easily influenced by other kids. He does like to write things down though. Tonight we found a paper he was writing up with a "plan" that made it sound like he and some other boys were going to bully two new girls (twins) from the grade above them, on the playground (specifically mentioned when no teachers are around.) We just don't know the best way to handle this. If we ask him, he'll likely say it's nothing, plus he doesn't know we've seen it. They do like to play spy games at recess so it may be related to that and more innocent than it sounds. We would like to mention it to his teacher and ask her to keep an eye on things on the playground. What would you recommend the first step be? He had the paper in his backpack and we found it when cleaning up for the evening. He reads above level and a lot of mystery books...it seems to be where he gets some of his ideas from.

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