4 YO: tantrums and meltdowns


My son will be 4 in December. He still has tantrums and meltdowns over being told to do anything. He is a very dramatic, emotional kid. I have had people indicate that they feel it may be possibly more than just defiance or being strong-willed. I think I know pretty much where you stand on the issue of taking the child and having him diagnosed with some disorder. My concern is how do I know if something is wrong? I worry about this and don't know what to do. Then people also politely ask maybe if it could be that I let him get away with too much when he was younger, so then I have that guilt that maybe I did and now I am dealing with the outcome. My sister politely indicated that he possibly exhibits mannerisms similar to kids who have autism/asperger's. I already had this fear in me of him having asperger's symptoms. I do not believe he has autism. But some of his quirks or mannerisms have concerned me re: possible asperger symptoms and I worry about what I should be doing as a mom for him. I think I know what you will probably say, but I need to have you respond anyway to be sure. Thanks.

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