6 yo won't stay in bed in the morning


I came to your seminar in October in Miamisburg, OH. My daughter London is the one who kept getting out of bed. I took your advise & 3 days later she was good to go. London is an early riser. I have tried putting her to bed at 7:30pm, 8:30pm & 9pm. She will always get up between 6:30am - 7:30am. She will come in when I'm getting ready for work & say, I never came out of bed! Very proud of herself. Or she will say this was my 1 time out of bed. How do I get her to go back to work until 8am? My husband & I have said, It's not time to get up go back to bed until Mommy or Daddy comes & gets you. She will cry & go back to her room. Once she is in her room she is loud & every time she wakes up her 2yr old brother. Who then begins to yell, Mom! under his door. Then London will begin to talk with him & sometimes they have a conversation back & forth under the door. OR she will go out open his door & they will run back & forth slamming each others doors. My husband works 3rd shift & he is trying to sleep. So I get up tell them both to go back to bed & put them in their rooms. They just get louder in their rooms. So I get up & take them down stairs. We put an alarm clock in her room & said when you see the #8 on the clock then you can come out. I was going to buy an alarm clock that when the alarm clock goes off the head pops up so that way she knows she can come out of her room? But she will just continue to be loud until then I'm sure. What do I do?

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