I have a daughter (2 years old) and a son (1 year old). They love each other and generally play together well. But recently my daughter has started shoving, hitting, pushing, and biting her brother. I have spanked, made her do time out, taken away privileges, etc. but nothing seems to work. I am trying very hard to be consistent and she knows she is supposed to be gentle with the baby. I don’t understand why this is happening or what I should do. Also she has started to throw fits, say “that’s mine!”, hit me, refuse to come when I call, empties out dressers when she is supposed to be taking a nap, and fuss at me. I have disciplined her over and over and let her know that this behavior is wrong but I don’t see any improvement. I have been trying to read the terrible twos book but I keep very busy and so haven’t finished it yet. Both children squawk at me and I don’t approve of that. I’ve dealt with them on it over and over and don’t see any progress. Respect is important in our family.