My 6 year old has screaming fits nearly every day usually related to being told to do something he doesn't want to or when he is mad at his brother. We have gone back to making him go to his room when he screams but it takes awhile for him to get himself into his room and he screams the entire time while going and maybe doesn't even go and continues to get louder thus getting everyone's attention and then can't hear us when we tell him to go to his room. This results in a lot of disruption with my husband's work at home and completely upends my 7 year old boy who also then starts to scream and yell at his brother and they end up fighting on the floor instead and both then getting into trouble. In the past we have done ticket system with him and when he would lose three tickets he would spend the day in his room. But three episodes of screaming a day seems to be too much to tolerate. Once the drama is over and the family has been completely disrupted by this screaming he will go to his room for the day but the damage has been done and we want to stop this habit.