Corporal punishment dilemma


Hello. We have three boys. They are 6, 10 and 11. We adopted them out of foster care about 3 years ago. When necessary as a tool to discipline our kids (and train them to make better choices next time), we will spank. It is always done in love and it isn't excessive. Our 11 year old has a terrible time taking his spankings. He freaks out and he usually wont get into position to take it. We don't feel it is right to physically put him in place. There have been times we have given him the option of a grounding if he refuses to take his spanking. That doesn't feel right though, to give him the choice of what his consequence is.
So would you say it is wrong to physically put him in place for his spanking? Also, how would you suggest we get him to voluntarily take his spanking?

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