Discipline Heartily(with Infusions of Affection)


Good Morning,

I am a single dad of 3 boys ages 7 and 3 yo twins. Recently one of the twin boys has been acting out at preschool and at home. He wont listen to instruction, throw toys, hit his twin brother etc. I got divorced in the past year and I am trying to find the best way to love and discipline him at the same time. I see him a week at a time every other week. I believe some of his behavior is related to the divorce but I also know some is just willful disobedience. I am also dealing with a co parent who I cannot count on to be consistent during the times when the boys are with her. I know she is not walking them toward Christ and she doesn't follow through with discipline. My question is given the circumstances, what do you think the best way to affect change with him?

Thank you

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