Mom, Make The Next Play


I am happy to say that the meeting went well and again and my son has agreed to make some changes. He even offered what he could do to make changes. With that being said, the rules he made for himself seem to even be hard for him. He is making progress. His grades are improving at the moment.
With that being said I am happy to say I completed Teen Proofing. After reading the book I felt like I could get through this then this weekend happened.
After a fun mom and child weekend getaway to watch some high school hockey we returned home Sunday afternoon. At which time he had some chores to do, take a shower , get his haircut which he hates and go to church and church school. It was 4:00 and this was the time he had to get his shower in and haircut and put on nice clothes.
If anyone could win an academy award this would be the child. After the shower and hair cut, he went into some kind of psycho crazy mode. And started thrashing and yelling and then proceeded to fall to the floor as if he we choking . I really wish I had a video. With that being said, he obviously did not want to go to church and was doing everything he could do to not go. It definitely was not pretty but after all the yelling and screaming from all parties we managed to get it together and made it to church at start time. Had I let him win, we would have missed church and his church school which follows church. How could I have made this any easier? Should I have gone to church without him?

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