I have a question re. how to handle my son's awful behavior. He is 14 years old. His Father and I switched custody 6 months ago through mediation, following a lawsuit that my son requested because he was resentful and convinced of his victimization in my home.
Dad and Step Mom are more lenient, and more indulgent than Me and my husband. My son became WAY too powerful during lawsuit and has masterfully manipulated the emotions of all the adults involved.
He is now EXTREMELY difficult during our visits. Tyranical moods. Constant deceit. He snubs me and my husband (who has been in his life since age 2) like low life trash... Off the chart entitlement. Bullies my younger son. He is clearly miserable- not adjusting well to changing schools- and treats me as his scapegoat.
I feel tremendous guilt at the thought of losing contact with him- we were SO Close in his childhood- but feel I must step back and love him from a distance. He has alienated himself, and continues to blame me. In my view, it's become necessary to draw a boundary by not allowing him to come over until his attitude improves. If he wants to spend time together, limiting it to dinner in a public place? Is this age too young to allow him this kind of space? My parents are pleading for me to show mercy with their beloved grandson... I am at a loss.