Teen Awakening


Hi--I am hoping John will answer this question--I reread Teen Proofing, and you talk about kids experimenting/using drugs can be a great opportunity for you and for them--for them to make mistakes and for you as parent to handle appropriately. We have learned our 15 yo son has been smoking pot (caught him in bathroom last week) and recently found Benadryl hidden in his room. Kids are using cough meds to get high these days as you probably know. We talked to him and said verbatim what you had said about not wanting him to use drugs and not being able to control him, etc. but we demanded that no drugs would be in our house. He has failed several classes this year and has been nasty to be around for the last 9 months or so. We were at our wits end, so we have enrolled him in a boarding school that can offer small classes and resource support for his LD and his ADD. The school requires participation in sports and in church, has monitored study halls, etc. Basically all the things we can't get him to do at home. He has agreed to go which is a miracle in itself. I guess my question is, with the drug use--how do you know when it has turned from experimentation/ peer pressure/ doing it to be part of the group into a true problem? It is just hard to know. I appreciate very much the idea that we cannot control him but when/how do we know when to step in and get him help if indeed he really needs it? I so admire you and appreciate all that you do to help parents! Thank you
Rebecca Farlow

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