Mom lost in daughter's orbit


My daughter is five years old and while she has many wonderful qualities. She bright, articulate, and funny. There are certain behaviors however that drive me crazy! I have read the Well Behaved Child and think the ideas are great but the ticket system does not seem to work with her (we have attempted to implement this several times).

Here is one of the primary issues:

Every fall, frustration, or disappointment turns into high drama, it seems that she cries about every thing from her brother puling her hair to being told she she can't do something, eat something, or as I'm writing this she's crying over not seeing her grandmother this afternoon and specifically not having someone to play with and that I don't want to spend time with her.

It concerns me and frustrates that there seems to be a lack of boundaries and yet I'm terrified of wounding her. She can be very needy, and struggles with entertaining herself.

Any help would be appreciated I feel confused, very guilty, and sad that she is not more independent, confident, and content.

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