Eighth Grade Boy Not Making the Grade


I have a 13 year old boy who is in eight grade. He's never been a very motivated student but loves sports and video games. I avoided looking at homework or grades until the first marks came out. He was failing miserably in two classes and mostly because he was not doing homework. He is always encouraged to do his homework, but whenever anyone would ask, "Do you have any homework?" He'd say "no". He was given consequences for this and lost all privileges. No phone, no electronics, no friends, no basketball, nothing. He was given two weeks with the goal that all homework would be done and turned in. He didn't do it. So, he was given another two weeks of the same. He finally seemed to be making a change with the second two week tour. Then he got a few privileges back, and within two weeks, he was back at the same nonsense with the added "bonus" of some goofing around in school that resulted in teachers calling home. Can you provide a few suggestions? Generally he's a nice kid, with nice friends, and obedient at home.

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