16 yr-old selling homework


My 16 year old son is a bright kid and a straight A student. We were talking and he related to me that he will sometimes sell his homework to other kids. I told him that this was unethical and a violation of school policy. As you might expect, he was unimpressed with my reasons for him not to do this. While we don't give him a regular allowance, we cover his recreation and entertainment expenses on an as-needed basis (which are minimal since he does not go out very much), he earns money through a job umpiring baseball games, and he gets money as gifts from grandparents and relatives. He has expensive tastes in electronic gadgets (we do not pay for that) so is often looking to upgrade to the best and latest products. I am wondering if I should discipline him or otherwise impose consequences about him selling his homework. I am concerned that if I do, he will just continue to do it anyway, behind my back, and not tell me, and not tell me anything else that might be "incriminating."

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