11 yo Bad Manners


I get irritated when I watch my son not using his manners like opening the door for people, if he is about to enter a store he doesn't wait for the person in front of him, or he won't say thank you some times...he is getting disrespectful in the way he talks to me also, he makes fun of other kids that doesn't have brand name shoes...we are not a well off family. My husband (against my wishes) bought him, and his sister, the latest brand name sneakers ($135) ugh! Now he is getting boastful and does what other kids are doing like make fun of others...I dislike the type of person he is becoming. I say when he outgrows those, no more expensive anything...Lesson to learn: "You are valuable for what you are, not what you have"...advice...he just turned 11...btw, I just ordered "Teenproofing..." I know I need to shift my season in parenting but is hard...Im scared!

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