Doesn't Get It


I have an almost 4 year old son who is becoming increasingly challenging to deal with during the day. It seems that unless we are out of the house, he is more demanding of my attention, quick to refuse to do something when asked (clear his dishes from the table, come to his room to get dressed, etc.). He absolutely loves preschool and constantly is making believe he is the teacher, we are in his classroom, etc., but he only goes 2 days a week so the other 3 days can be trying. When he is sent to his room (this can be for reasons including not doing what we ask, pushing/hitting his sister, etc.) and I go in to talk about why he was punished, he doesn't seem to "get it." This attitude has led to us spanking him which he doesn't like, but it still seems like he doesn't get it. What punishment do you suggest for a 3 year old? Do you have any practical solutions for his demands on my attention? I just want to be developmentally appropriate for his age...I don't want to expect too much for an almost 4 year old, but I also don't want to expect too little of him!

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