Adult Child Living at Home


Hi ParentGuru team, I am back again! John (or whoever), I have a few questions for you: 1) What is your advice for allowing adult children (age 22 in my case) to live with you temporarily (or not live with you); 2) What if that adult child is using and abusing drugs and/or alcohol?; 3) If you have an adult child living with you and they are using and abusing alcohol (as in my case) what do you advise; 4) What, in your view, is the best way to help an adult child addicted to drugs and/or alcohol; 5) if you see an adult child under the influence of drugs/alcohol and they are going to drive somewhere, do you believe the necessary and right thing to do is call the police on them? And, if you are going to call the police on them in this situation do you tell them ahead of time so that they are warned in advance or do you just do it and then talk to them afterwards when they find out/you tell them that you called the police on them? Thanks in advance for your advice!

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