6 1/2 yo Tantrums and Disrespect


Our 6.5 year old daughter is very well behaved at school and church. At home it is often a different story. She is very sassy, rude, and disrespectful to her family members. When she does not get her way or loses at a game or sport she gets very angry, screams, hits, throws, kicks, etc. We have used tickets in the past and she was even kicked out of the garden at one point. It was very beneficial and her overall behaviors have improved. The disrespectful behavior and anger issues are the biggest concern we have to date. My husband's response is often to argue back with her and mimic her bad behavior which does nothing but escalate the problem. I send her to her room to calm down and attempt to debrief with her once she is calm. She refuses to accept any responsibility for her actions and will not admit that she has done or said anything wrong. Advice would be most appreciated!

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