Grateful Teacher


Hi John, I just want to pass along a thank you. I went to my 9 yr olds parent teacher conference ( I like being on the parent end much better than being on the kid end!) and we were talking about homework. I told him that I will sign her agenda but do not do her homework for her, and will rarely assist unless she is really stuck. He said he could tell that she did her own work and he can tell which kids the parent do the homework or just give the answers to. He said that it is reflected in the way they answer questions in class. He says the kids who parents always help them have no idea how to even look for the answer in their books and will basically whine until he gives them the answer. My daughter had 1 open book test that she got a C on ( and not only open book but the teacher put the page # on the question for them... no excuse for the C) and I made her write the question and answer 3x each. But I credit your ending the homework hassles for some of her school success.... and believe me teachers can tell the difference. It has empowered me to make homework her "job".... i tell her i went thru 4th grade once and do not need to do it again. Thanks again John for all you do!!!!

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