Baby Talk .


Q. When my 12 year old is happy, pleased with herself or in a space where she is receiving one-on-one attention she often speaks in baby talk tones. There is a lot of "I love you", "you're my Mom" and "i'm your daughter", etc.. I know this doesn't sounds like a problem issue but after a bit the baby talking is infuriating & just makes me want to get away from her; I despise it. I've tried to speak to her about it but I'm not sure she even understands what I mean, I don't necessarily have a problem with the words she is saying, although sometimes they are just too much, just how she is saying them. Obviously this is some type of response to an emotional reaction she is having & she is feeling like she is in a great place for herself but she is pushing everyone to exasperation.
Have you heard of this before? Any recommendations you have to help her understand that I want to hear her speak as, & spend time with, a 12 year old not a 4 year old. Thank you.

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