18 year old in toxic relationship


Our Teenage Daughter will be 18 yrs old in 4 months- she's good student & generally follows family/house rules until she started texting a college boy-she became distant, lying, very aggitated/angry all the time. Discovered a college guy was manipulating her (law enforcement said this guy was preying on her vulnerability) He degraded her personal body parts, persuaded her christian beliefs & put so much pressure on her that she gave in. (this was all in texting) He promoted her to lie & so he could take advantage of her,gave her alcohol & then when he got what he wanted he wouldn't text her for 2 days/2 weeks- She was emotionally abused in my opinion..He text her he would "kill her" but she said he was joking..he told her if she "played her cards right" she wouldn't lose him..I sent a text to the boy that he is not to contact our daughter anymore-Now 5 months later he started contacting her again- he has our daughter hooked-telling her exactly what she wants to hear - she's never really had a boyfriend-the relationship with this college guy was 98% texting-She isn't supposed to contact him but does secretly..She believes he has changed but my opinion "lepards don't change their spots".How should this be handled, not let her see him, only let her see him on restrictions (they come to our house), or what? Its hard to let your child learn something like this on their own when there are so many dangerous red flags.

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