Frustration Stifles Change


I am feeling a great sense of failure because I've been trying to apply John’s principles for most of my child's life and this is where we are:

    • 16-year-old son is addicted to his phone and has not responded to any of my attempts to discipline.
    • He is not engaged at home unless it's to grudgingly do his chores. When he does engage, it's disrespectful.
    • His chores are often not done, incomplete, or done only to the minimal standard. Nothing more.
    • He takes hard classes and is an average student - although he did just get his first D - probably because he's on his phone so

    • He doesn't drive, has no friends in the neighborhood, so he is not social after school, cares little about anything in his room, and has nothing I can take away except the phone.

The problem is this: he bought the phone and got his own phone plan with his own money from his own job.

I don't know how to apply ParentGuru principles to this situation.

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