7yr old not doing what is right


My daughter is seven years old. She is having trouble focusing in school. She moves around in her chair a lot, often skips over reading instructions, frequently leaves big sections of her worksheets unfinished (despite knowing how to do the work), does not pay attention to Bible stories and so is unable to answer Bible test questions, and her work is just sloppy with frequent mistakes overall. We know she's bright, as she tests above grade level in both reading and math. She can focus for long periods of time on things she's interested in. Her teachers don't think she's ADD, and I absolutely refuse to medicate her anyway. She gets hardly any time at all on technology at home (zero i-pad time, sometimes a movie but never multiple per week). I've coached her to read instructions, go slowly, check over her work before turning in. Still her worksheets come home unfinished. Her grades are a mix of As, Bs, and Cs but trending downward. Any advice? Thank you!

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