Cannot serve two masters


Things are going better and God is helping us. I want to continue to stay on top of things and be a good leader for my kids. The issue is after a while, because of how life goes, I start letting up without realizing it until there are big problems again. How can I stay on top of things continually and not lose my focus? Also I feel lots of pressure from “the good mommy club.” I try very hard to raise my kids the way John teaches but I feel lots of pressure from relatives and friends. They believe in co-sleeping, attachment parenting, explaining everything, giving lots of choices, not potty training until after 2, and the list goes on. Because of this I feel very strange, out of place, and sometimes feel like perhaps I’m too strict, not compassionate enough, or not loving enough because I try to not do the other “perfect mommy” things. How do I adjust mindset? How do I become the mother God wants me to be? How do I get free of the “good mommy club” but stay friends with these people?

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