Homeschooling Mom Seeks Advice


Thank you for your previous response on helping my son with learning and recommending ending the homework hassle book. I am reading it and looking at ways to apply what is said in to our homeschool.
I noted John suggests 45 minutes homework for a 5th grader. my son is completing both literacy and math homework in 20-30 mins. on a good day a literacy and math lesson can take 30 minutes each. homework is based off of what we did in math and literacy that morning to and I that is going well atm. my reasoning is pretty much the same as the seven hidden values of homework John speaks about in ending homework hassle.

I know homeschool lessons are generally shorter however, I wonder if this is too little time spent formally learning the core subjects and as my son is slightly behind a grade, should I add in more learning time for these subjects and if so, how long? I’m wondering what is the quickest way to get him at grade level without overworking him?

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