Last night after his shower, I noticed my son who is 7, had not come out of the bathroom for about 15 minutes. So, I got out of bed-to go see what the delay was. This was after he had nosed around and broke a hand held mirror a couple of nights before. I opened the door, and did not immediately see him. So, I walked around the back side, which is a walk in closet and there he was....wearing nothing but my panties and high heels....(with an erection). I just looked at him, didn’t say anything and he said “you caught me”. I responded “caught you? doing what?.” He said, putting these on....lifted his foot with the pair of high heels,. Even though I was a little surprised, I did not make any fuss over the discovery. I told him that it was late and we needed to get on in bed, we had worked a long day. He then kicked the high heels off and into an upside down position and pushed them further against the wall where they were not seen and hanging clothes were hiding them. I said nothing else, and neither did he. We both went to bed.
Given I was one of 3 girls, I had two girls of my own, and am raising my Son/Grandson....boy issues are new to me. I am certain on many levels this is “normal”, but I need guidance making certain my reaction and how I deal with it, should it happen again, is constructive, not destructive. I knew better than to tease or make a big deal of it...but I may need a “what to expect for normal little boys book”.