9 Year Old Can Solve Sleep Problem


Our 9 yr old son suddenly started waking up 1-3 times during the night (usually sometime) between 11pm-3am, and is consistently waking us up as well. It began with him being irrational about fears he won’t be able to fall back asleep - lots of tears, shaking, etc. Now he wakes us up several times (through a monitor as he is upstairs and on the opposite side of the house from our room) to tell us he’s awake, he can’t fall asleep, he loves us, goodnight, etc. We’ve talked through strategies to help him fall back asleep, the fact that we can’t help him beyond that so he needs to stop waking us up, tried building up his confidence, tried consequences, etc but nothing seems to be helping. Never thought we’d be exhausted from a 9 yr old waking up during the night, but here we are and we don’t know what to try next. Help!

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