Biological father shows up at 12 years of age


I am wondering as since of last Oct. 05 my 12 year old daughter who is a peach, love her to death of course at the same time I want to kill her ya know that whole pre-teen junk. My question is where do I go with a biological parent who has NO moral standards for our daughter and this past weekend allowed her to drive a car through a parking lot and then down the street, oh yae the best part by herself! While he and his girlfriend video taped it? He also decided to allow her to be dropped at a movie theatre that is filled with a lot of riff raff for a PG-13 movie that I and her stap-dad normally just preview to make sure the content is "okay" she was able to see the Wicker Man which is a movie about witchcraft. She was also there with 2 girls and 1 boy ages 12-13. He did not know the children nor did I. She was very happy to tell me because I am the "crappy parent and he and his girlfriend are awesome. Oh did I mention after 12 years he just showed upi and I have been very giving as to help my daughter get to know her father. Okay sorry here is the question at this point he is doing things I feel endanger her life. Should I try to seek a mediation through a lawyer? What should I do to protect.

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