Law enforcement in school settings


What is your opinion on the use of School Resource Officers and how children and teenagers are now being arrested and/or prosecuted for both major (fighting, assault on staff, vandalism, drugs, and weapons) and minor (swearing, arguing with a teacher, insubordination, not following directions, goofing off, and dress code violations) at school? Some people assert that it teaches children and teenagers valuable life lessons on how the real world works--while others argue that it undermines the educational system as well as children's and teenager's futures by them making feel disillusioned towards school, legitimate authority, and law enforcement and expanding the school-to-prison-pipeline. I was born in 1976--and I went to grammar school and high school from 1982 through 1994; during that time, I never heard anything about students being arrested for misconduct at school. Do children act up more at school nowadays? And have parents gotten more permissive with youngsters than they were when I was growing up?

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