Expat needs help choosing school


My wife and I are expats living abroad and we are starting on the journey of selecting a school for our eldest (5yr old daughter). Being abroad seems to limit the opportunities available for schooling-it looks like it is either the British school or the American School. Upon a tour of the American school I noticed the Admissions coordinator had a rainbow lanyard advocating her position as a "voice for LGBTQ rights". It seems like the entire school is steeped in post-modern psychobabble. Examples include:
Real Restitution Discipline (https://realrestitution.com/)
3 counselors and an in house psychologist
Overall guiding philosophy from "Mindset" by Carol S. Dweck.

I'm afraid the British school won't be much better.

I understand I cannot shelter my children forever so-how do I foster my traditional conservative values if they are bombarded/indoctrinated everyday for 8 hours on psychobabble?

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