Morning Routine


Hi there.
I have twin boys who turned 5 the end of July.
They are starting school September 5. I want to establish a good routine for the mornings. I have been a stay at home since they were born. They have always got up early (6-6:30am) so getting up will not be an issue but getting them ready (fed, dressed, packed, cleaned, etc) for school might be. I don't want the mornings to be stressful and I really don't want to repeat myself over and over for them to do things. I want to establish a good school routine from the beginning (same goes for homework). Please give me some advice and tips on school. Thanks.
- They do not have any other siblings and their dad (my husband) works odd hours so sometimes he may be here in the mornings and sometimes he may not be.
- We are a christian family so I would like to incorporate a morning prayer with the boys.

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