I just found my 14 y/o daughter has been hiding an electronic tablet in her room. She uses it "for homework and to talk to friends via instagram". She brought it from her dads house. She says I won't let her have a phone so she has to sneak in order to talk to her friends. She has a habit of telling "little lies" to get her way. Unfortunately she has seen her father lying to get his way in many situations.
I just finished reading Teen Proofing (wish I had years ago) but am still a little uncertain of when I am micromanaging and when I am not. In general I realize I have been a micromanager. For this situation, I am thinking I should take the tablet away from her for 30 days and tell her she needs to be lie free for 30 days before she can get it back. If she lies the 30 days starts over.
What is your recommendation? When does it become micromanagement?