3 year old can “obey all the way, right away, everyday”!



Our daughter is on tickets (3.5 years) and she has been doing pretty well the last couple of weeks. The only behavior that is on the tickets system is that she needs to obey us when we tell her to do something.

Lately I have noticed that sometimes it takes more time for her to do the task which I asked her to, or that she starts a conversation before she actually goes and does it. How should I deal with this? Plus I have also seen that she does things which I told her before to do or not to do (e.g. when getting dressed in the morning, instead of putting the clothes in the closet, I find them on the floor, or I told her many times before not to climb in the kitchen drawers, and then I find her doing it...). I tell myself, "well maybe she forgot" but I am doubting whether this is so...

Can you please advice?

Thank you.

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