Bored kindergartener?


I have a “just turned” 5yo that has just started kindergarten about 1 month ago. He mostly comes home on “green” but he has had 5 days below green over the last month. The teacher emailed me to let me know he doesn’t stay focused when they are doing an activity and doesn’t stay in his center as directed. He also doesn’t complete his work or craft without a lot of assistance from the teacher. He went to preschool for 2 years and is way past what they are learning right now He LOVES attention and will do almost anything to get recognized.
What should his punishment be?? Is it expected a 5yo will not have good days this often?
We are really stressing this and want to put it back in him.
If we attempt to put him in his room, he often just walks out and then an argument ensues.

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