Following up with 12 y/o's Sensitivity Issues


Thank you for your response to my question about my 12 year old daughters sensitivity "issues". Later that day, she threw a huge fit over her smart phone and computer as well as us not accommodating her sensitivity triggers. The fit included throwing herself on the ground, screaming and kicking our desk so hard that she put a hole in it.

In response, we took all of her electronics away and told her that she would need to keep the door to her room open except for sleeping so that she could not hide from us and her triggers for two consecutive weeks. As expected her behavior got worse, we ignored her drama and went about our day. Her behavior improved for the next several days, but today she refused to go to her swim class because her brother decided to wear his sandals instead of his sneakers. I told her that her two week time frame would start over, which resulted in her throwing another fit and hiding in her room with the door closed.

My question is what should we do about the door? Remove it, remove just the door handle, let it slide for the day and wait for tomorrow, or something else I am not thinking of?

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