The Extracurricular Activities Freight Train


I'm trying to put a slow down on the extracurricular activities by asking them to choose one or two. How much input should they be allowed in deciding which ones? For example, I think they need to go to swim team this summer but they are complaining about having to get up too early. I believe this is important because we spend several weeks at the ocean every summer and its a safety thing. This seems like laziness rather than lack of interest. On the other hand, my 12 year old wants to try out for a play that rehearses for several months and the actual show runs for three consecutive weekends, all of which I will be required to drive her to. I'm feeling guilty and selfish because I don't want to do it. I know you're not one to force kids to do extracurricular activities if they are not interested. Where do I draw the line?

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