Should Grandma allow visits from absent parents?


Have custody of 4 yr old Grandson. Mother nor father have matured to the point where he would live with them. As time has progressed, the time between visits has increased. Last visit from either parent was Christmas Day. Neiher visited for more than an hour. Mom brought nothing, Dad showered with gifts. Child's birthday is 19 April. He still talks about memories with his Mom, but never mentions the father, and if he does, it's "I am NEVER going back to Jj's house again". Something very memorable must have happened last overnight visit Sept 2016.

Both parents have substance abuse issues and I do not know for certain where either one is living, so handing him to them for a "visit" just isn't in his best interest. Both have never been denied any visit with their child. the Christmas visit sent him on a negative path, he began wetting the bed, needing his pacifier again at bedtime, not wanting to go to bed. At this point, by his birthday, it will have been almost 4 months since he has seen either, with both of them living in the same general area. My attorney has advised that until either sets up a regular visitation with him here to reconnect with him, that they should not be allowed to just show up with gifts on certain occasions. I understand the legal aspect, but I would rather err on the best interest of the child. However I do understand his need for stability as well.

Please advise me what you think is best for my Grandson.

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