8 Year Old Too "Curious"


When my son was 5, he tried to search for "girls pee pee" and other related terms on his tablet, which luckily was on the child setting. We talked to him the best we could even though he denied it happened. We put extra tight restrictions on his already very limited tablet use. When he was 7, we discovered that he tried searching for much more explicit content (sex, sex with kids) on my husband's computer, knowing he's not allowed to use the internet without an adult around. He was swiftly and severely punished for breaking that rule. I was an utter mess about what he may have seen, and why and even how my little boy was so interested in this topic. I probably did too much talking, and he said nothing but "I know" in response. We are always reminding him that he can come to me or his dad with questions. But, he doesn't ask us questions or come to us ever. And he is smart and sneaky about getting what he wants. We bought an age appropriate book about boys growing up/body changes, and my husband read it to him and our 10 year old son (who has never been found to be involved in anything related to this.) Now, at age 8, I saw that my son wrote the word "sex" all over our shower door, while showering. He mostly plays with one other 8 year old boy in our neighborhood, and sometimes is around other 10-11 year olds, with his brother. Our boys have very limited screen time and no internet access on their tablets, and only use it in a shared room with permission. He has no history of abuse. I'm sure the kids "talk" on the school bus, and it's a curious topic for boys, but being that it started so young and he already has some graphic thoughts in his head, I'm worried about where it came from and how to stay ahead of things from here on out. Should I be worried?

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