3 yo Acting Like a 3 yo


Our 3.5 year old son is hitting, kicking and/or spitting combined with an endless amount of talking back when it comes to not getting his way. We've tried timeout, taking things that he loves away for a period of time, spanking, and I've even tried spitting back at him (when he spit in my face). Nothing seems to work. He was awful in a restaurant the other night (don't worry, it wasn't a nice one) and nothing I did (pulling him out of the restaurant, threats, a swat) seemed to correct his behavior. What do we do? I think it's important to note that I recently sold my business and I'm now staying home full time with our son and his nanny of 3.5 years is no longer employed with us. He's had a big shift in routine and this means his bad behavior has been taken to a whole new level.

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