6 year old's disturbing comments


Our fairly happy 6 year (almost) 7 year old has said a few disturbing things recently. About a week ago out of the blue he told me that he has thoughts of hurting/killing someone with a knife. He wasn't too upset about it, but seemed unsure as to why that thought came into his head. I was a little concerned but didn't make a big deal - just asked him a few questions and he didn't mention it again. So tonight he said it again - but this time he was very distraught. He was crying and said he couldn't get that thought to stop. He didn't say he wanted to kill anyone specifically, just that he was being "told" to get a knife. He also said he was being told to lie - but about nothing specifically. At one point he asked me to get a knife and put it on the floor. He then started to cry and said he wanted to kill himself. He was ill (vomiting) and watching a lot of TV today. He did watch some kids shows that have violence/darkness and sometimes catches things on the news that he shouldn't. Could this be affecting him and his thoughts? This is all very unusual for him so I'm really starting to worry. We've decided no more shows/movies with dark themes or violence. But we're wondering if we should we consult someone or wait and see if this continues. Thank you for any advice.

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